Empowering the future workforce of South Africa with STEM knowledge and 21st-century skills

In South Africa, learners in many schools complete their final year of high school without any exposure to the applications of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) or associated careers. They may have had no role models in STEM, let alone ones from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Worse, these learners routinely lack exposure to hands-on computer

ESMT Berlin welcomes 26 new students to the Industry Immersion Program at AIMS South Africa

ESMT Berlin and AIMS welcomed 26 students to the second intake of the Industry Immersion Program (IIP) in Cape Town, South Africa today. The six-month program for mathematically trained African graduates prepares students to transition from an academic environment to employment in industry. The 14 women and 12 men participating in the IIP all hold

AIMS graduates keen to go out and make a difference

“The future belongs to those who not only believe but are prepared to walk into an unknown future choosing hope over fear.” These inspiring words were delivered by Prof. Thuli Mandonsela, Chair in Social Justice in the Law Faculty: Stellenbosch University and member of the AIMS International Board of Directors, at AIMS South Africa’s 15th Graduation

Worldwide study on research stays abroad

Why are doctoral students (Dr or PhD) and postdocs interested in conducting research abroad? What information needs do they have when going abroad? The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and “Research in Germany” are conducting a worldwide online survey to answer these questions. Are you currently pursuing or planning a doctorate or postdoc? Then we
