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Contact Us

Mailing List

These AIMS South Africa public mailing lists are hosted on Google Groups for Education.

You need a Google Account to join and participate in groups, and if you don’t have one, you can link a non-gmail-address to a Google Account at


This mailing list is a low traffic list to stay informed about major events in the programme at AIMS South Africa and across the network. We will announce vacancies, study opportunities, research positions, or a major event like our annual graduation or annual report. We will also inform you of the arrival of academic visitors, weekly seminars, and general news of interest to those near AIMS South Africa


This mailing list started at AIMS South Africa is intended for people who studied, worked, or is in some way connected to any AIMS institute, but it is open to the public for anyone interested in socialising with the AIMS community.

It contains mostly information about opportunties for AIMS alumni, such as external conferences and workshops, short schools, job offers, or (non-AIMS) events of interest both in Africa and abroad. It may however also contain general discussions about Science, Technology, Academia and Development in Africa


The focus of this mailing list is support for AIMS Desktop, a customized version of Debian GNU/Linux, with added Free Software scientific applications.


Talk to Us

AIMS South Africa,
6 Melrose Road, Muizenberg, 7945
Cape Town, South Africa

For questions regarding applications, please refer to the FAQS or send an e-mail to For any other questions please fill out the form below.
