Summer School in Mathematical Finance 2013

The 6th Summer School in Mathematical Finance is being held at AIMS from 21 to 23 February 2013. This workshop forms part of the MPE2013 initiative. This workshop presents a unique opportunity for local practitioners, academics and students to interact with international leaders in research on topics and modelling techniques current in the South African and international financial

Mathematics in Industry Study Group 2013

Jan 18, 2013 | Past workshops The Tenth Mathematics in Industry Study Group in South Africa will take place at the University of the Witwatersrand as follows: 9 -12 January 2013: Graduate Workshop 14 – 18 January 2013: MISG This workshop forms part of the MPE2013 programme initiative. More detailed information to follow shortly.

Workshop on geometric analysis

Dec 7, 2012 | Past workshops AIMS and the University of Cape Town will co-host a workshop on geometric analysis. This workshop will feature minicourses by Richard M Schoen of Stanford University and Daniel Pollack of the University of Washington, and lectures by other invited speakers. This workshop will be held at AIMS from 3 – 7

5th Summer School in Mathematical Finance

This is the 5th Summer School in Mathematical Finance to be held at AIMS and it will once again bring several leading academic exponents of the fast-growing field of Mathematical Finance to South Africa. It presents a unique opportunity for local practitioners, academics and students to interact with international leaders in research on topics and modelling

Mathematical Methods in Systems Biology and Population Dynamics

4 – 7 January 2012 The 4 day workshop will be held at AIMS and brings together applied mathematicians with researchers working in various biological and medical fields in order to exchange ideas and advance the knowledge of research by initiating and promoting collaborations motivated by challenging problems. This workshop hopes to bring these groups

Mathematics in Industry Study Group 2012

The 9th Mathematics in Industry Study Group in South Africa will be held at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) in Muizenberg, Cape Town, from Monday 9 January to Friday 13 January 2012. The Mathematics in Industry Study Group is a five-day workshop at which academic researchers and graduate students work collaboratively with representatives from

Cape Town International Cosmology School 2012

Jan 28, 2012 | Past workshops The Cape Town International Cosmology School, aimed at PhD students and post-docs, will provide a cross-disciplinary introduction to modern cosmology covering theory, multi-wavelength observational cosmology and statistical methods. The school will use an innovative mixture of lectures, tutorials and actual research project work, with particular emphasis on interaction and network building

Complex Analysis and Hyperbolic Geometry Workshop

The Complex Analysis and Hyperbolic Geometry Workshop will be held at at AIMS from 30 January to 3 February 2012. The workshop will be hosted by AIMS, with financial support from the School of Mathematics, University of Witwatersrand. The Workshop will open with lunch on Monday 30 January at 14:00, and end on Friday 3
