January 4, 2012

Mathematics in Industry Study Group 2012

The 9th Mathematics in Industry Study Group in South Africa will be held at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) in Muizenberg, Cape Town, from Monday 9 January to Friday 13 January 2012.

The Mathematics in Industry Study Group is a five-day workshop at which academic researchers and graduate students work collaboratively with representatives from industry on research problems submitted by local industry.

The problems are presented by the Industry Representatives on Monday Morning. The academic researchers and graduate students then split into small study groups and work on the problems of their choice. There is a report back session to Industry on Friday morning at which the results which were obtained are presented. Work on the problems continues in the months after the Study Group meeting and a full technical report on each problem is published in the Proceedings later in the year.

Each problem has an academic Moderator who is responsible for coordinating the work on the problem and also student Moderators who present the progress reports on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons.

All delegates are expected to participate to a high degree in the modelling and problem solving small groups sessions. There is no registration fee because delegates provide their time and expertise free at a Study Group.

Because space is limited there will be strict selection of applicants. Real interest in working on problems from industry will be an important selection factor.

Invited Guests
  • Dr Neville Fowkes, University of Western Australia, Australia
  • Prof Graeme Hocking, Murdoch University, Perth, Australia
  • Dr Hilary Ockendon,  University of Oxford, England
  • Professor Tim Myers,  Centre de Recerca Matematica, Barceolna, Spain
  • Dr Sarah Mitchell,  University of Limerick, Ireland
  • Professor Colin Please, University of Southampton, England
  • Dr Chris Breward,  Oxford Centre for Collaborative Applied Mathematics, University of Oxford, England
  • Professor Kamil Kulesza, Centre for Industrial Applications of Mathematics and Systems, Engineering Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, Poland

Graduate Workshop

The third MISG Graduate Workshop in South Africa will be held at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) in Muizenberg, Cape Town, from Wednesday 4 January to Saturday 7 January, 2012.

A MISG Graduate Workshop is a four-day workshop and its aim is to bring graduate students up to speed for the MISG. The students will receive hands-on experience of mathematical modelling of real problems especially from industry. They will be exposed to a broad range of problem-solving skills including mathematical modelling, scientific computation and the critical assessment of solutions. The students will work under the guidance of facilitator who will be assisted by tutors.

The problems are presented on Wednesday morning. Many of the problems are drawn from previous study group meetings in South Africa and around the world. The graduate students are fromed into groups that work on each problem. Progress presentations are made on each day’s work at the end of each day. Final progress presentations on all of the work done on each problem are made on Saturday afternoon. All participants are expected to make presentations because scientific communication is an important part of the workshop.


Please use aeeda@aims.ac.za for general queries or David.Mason@wits.ac.za and Montaz.Ali@wits.ac.za for academic queries. Please read the IT information for participants and presenters.

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