In celebration of this day which took place on 11 February 2018, AIMS ran a social media campaign aimed at inspiring young girls to pursue careers in science. It was done under the theme #BreakingBoundaries. Students took part in a photoshoot by writing one word that describes how they have broken boundaries in their lives.
Category: Centre news
Accelerate CT visits AIMS South Africa
On 5 February Mr Ryan Ravens, CEO, Accelerate CT visited AIMS South Africa. He had a meeting with Prof. Neil Turok to discuss possible way for AIMS and Accelerate CT to collaborate in the future. A special tea was held for Mr Ravens to meet staff and students and he gave a short address.
Talk by Prof. Neil Turok
On 4 February Prof. Neil Turok gave a talk to students titled: ‘Beginnings’. In the talk he described his own story, how he got interested in science, how he helped AIMS and how reward-ing the journey has been. He also talked about some of the big challenges in basic phys-ics today and why, in his
Council Meeting
The AIMS South Africa Council meeting took place on 31 January 2018. Council members in attendance included Prof. Daya Reddy (Chair), Prof. Neil Turok, Prof. Balazs Szendroi, Prof. Stéphane Ouvry, Prof. Louise Warnich, Prof. Grae Worster (via skype) and they were joined by Prof. Barry Green. This was followed by the Trust meeting. Prof. Ben
Workshop for African Women in Discrete Mathematics and its Applications
his workshop will be hosted at AIMS South Africa from 24-26 Jnauary 2018. The main goals of this workshop are to build a network of African women with common mathematical interests and to increase the visibility of women in mathematics to African students, researchers, and professors. Organiser: Dr Nancy Ann Neudauer Affiliation: Pacific University Intended Audience: Women mathematicians
Workshop for African Women in Discrete Mathematics and its Applications
This workshop on discrete mathematics and its applications was hosted at AIMS South Africa from 24 to 26 January 2018 and featured talks by women on their research in various areas of graph theory, combinatorics, and discrete optimization, each in-cluding some introduction for the non-expert. The main goals of the workshop were to build a
Mathematical Thinking Course
AIMSSEC presented their 28th Mathematical Thinking Course to 61 in-service mathematics teachers from 3 to 12 January 2018 at Stellenbosch High School. The teachers came from three provinces: the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and Limpopo. Four overseas lecturers assisted the local team to present the course and three AIMSSEC alumni assisted as teaching assistants, while two
AIMS Women in STEM mentoring session
As part of the International Council for Science (ICSU) Regional workshop in Africa for the project “A Global Approach to the Gender Gap in Mathematical and Natural Sciences: How to Measure It, How to Reduce It?” which took place on 1 to 2 December 2017 at AIMS South Africa, a special women mentoring session for
African Regional Workshop of the Gender Gap in Science Project
From 1-2 December 2017 the regional workshop in Africa for the project ‘A Global Approach to the Gender Gap in Mathematical and Natural Sciences: How to Measure It, How to Reduce It?’ was hosted at AIMS South Africa. Gender equality and inclusion is of vital importance to the work of AIMS, where 30% of all
Inaugural Achievement Ceremony for the AIMS ESMT Industry Immersion Program
Twenty-five AIMS students from eight African countries received their certificates for completing the AIMS ESMT Industry Immersion Program (IIP). The students who participated in this 20-week residential and fully-funded business and employability skills program were suitably qualified and industry-inclined AIMS Master’s in Mathematical Sciences graduates from across Africa. The backbone of the program was a