Prof. Jordaan was born and raised in South Africa where she has lived all her life except for periodic researchvisits in various European countries as a visiting researcher. She is married with two adult sons. “I have alwaysbeen interested in Mathematics and Education and by becoming an academic I had the possibility to combine these
Person Type: Council
Prof. Mike Giles
Prof. Mike Giles is a Professor of Scientific Computing in the Mathematical Institute at the University of Oxford. In his early career, he worked at MIT and in the Oxford University Computing Laboratory on computational fluid dynamics applied to the analysis and design of gas turbines, but more recently he moved into computational finance and
Prof. Daya Reddy
Prof. Reddy has Engineering Degrees from the University of Cape Town and Cambridge University. He was appointed Professor of Applied Mathematics in 1989, and South African Research Chair in Computational Mechanics in 2006. He is currently Director at the Centre for Research in Computational and Applied Mechanics Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, University of
Dr Thandi Mgwebi
Dr Thandi Mgwebi joined Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University as new Deputy Vice- Chancellor: Research, Innovation and Internationalisation (RII) from 1 April 2020. Prior to joining Nelson Mandela University, Dr Mgwebi was Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research, Innovation and Engagement at Tshwane University of Technology, and before that Director of Research at the University of the Western Cape
Prof. David Holgate
David Holgate is a Senior Professor at the University of the Western Cape (UWC) where he holds a Research Chair in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics. He previously served as Head of Department and as Deputy Dean responsible for Teaching and Learning in the UWC Faculty of Natural Sciences. He is passionate about sharing his love
Prof. Louise Warnich
Prof. Warnich is a professor in Genetics and the Dean of the Faculty of Science at Stellenbosch University. She obtained both her MSc and PhD degrees in Human Genetics from Stellenbosch University. She is a member of the Innovus Board of Directors. She is an editorial board member of Human Genomics and a review editor
Prof. Grae Worster
Prof. Worster is a British fluid dynamicist at the University of Cambridge. He is a Professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics and a Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Since 2007, he has been the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Fluid Mechanics. In 2006, he was elected Fellow of the American Physical
Prof. Neil Turok
Prof. Turok (PhD Imperial College London, 1983) was recently appointed as the Inaugural Higgs Chair by the University of Edinburgh. He held the Mike and Ophelia Lazaridis Niels Bohr Chair in Theoretical Physics at Perimeter Institute. He was Perimeter’s Director from 2008 to 2019, in recognition of which he was awarded the title of Director