Barry Green is the Director of the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) in South Africa and the Chief Academic and Research Officer for the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences Next Einstein Initiative (AIMS NEI). He completed his PhD at the University of Cape Town in 1984 and lectured at Stellenbosch University before spending ten years as a research scientist at the University of Heidelberg in Germany, where he also completed the Habilitation. His field of interest is Algebra and Number Theory. In 1996 he returned to Stellenbosch University, where he was appointed Chairperson of the Mathematics Department in 2002. From 2006 to 2009 he was theExecutive Head of the Department of Mathematical Sciences, incorporating Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, and still holds a Mathematics Professorship there. In 2007 he received the South African Mathematical Society’s Award for Research Distinction. He has been Editor of the mathematics journal Quaestiones Mathematicae from 2002 to 2015 and has served on the Editorial Board of Afrika Mathematika. Prof. Green has been closely involved with the growth of AIMS since it’s founding in 2003 and was appointed the second Director of AIMS South Africa in April 2010. He is passionate about promoting the growth of the mathematical sciences in the developing world, particularly in Africa, and is the current President of CIMPA, the International Centre for Pure and Applied Mathematics. |