Dates: 11 to 15 April 2023 Organisers: Prof. Kerstin Jordaan (UNISA) and Prof. Peter Clarkson (University of Kent) Description: This workshop will focus on the relationship between integrable systems, in particular the Painleve equations and discrete Painleve equations, and orthogonal polynomials from both numerical and analytical perspectives. The Painleve equations, continuous and discrete, are nonlinear
This CIMPA Research School will be held at AIMS South Africa in Cape Town from 18 to 29 July 2022 The school aims to introduce students to the mathematical and statistical underpinnings of some of the latest Data Science methods that seek to address the challenge of Big Data analysis. Target audience: Early career researchers, PhD
1-5 February 2021 A Mathematics in Industry Study Group is a five-day workshop at which academic researchers and graduate students work collaboratively with representatives from industry on research problems submitted by local industry. Study Groups have been organized for over fifty years in many countries around the world. The first Study Group in South Africa was held in
The Africa Data Science Intensive Program is a hands-on skills training program in data science based on solving real-world problems. In this program you will receive exposure to the latest algorithms and techniques in data science, covering topics in Big Data, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Unlike most courses in data science we emphasise real-world
You are cordially invited to A day of engagement between the IMU Executive Committee and South African mathematicians and graduate academics. The Executive Committee of the International Mathematical Union (IMU) is visiting South Africa in February 2020. They have set aside Monday 24 February to interact with local mathematicians in a day of plenary talks,
AIMS South Africa will host a 3 day Practical Introduction to Deep Learning Workshop. The workshop is for participants to express interest in a practical introduction to deep learning and deep neural networks. Participants will be introduced to the theory of deep learning and will implement a number of solutions to problems (text/data classification, regression,
Dates: School: 23 – 27 September 2019Pre-course 16 – 20 September 2019 Pre-course Timetable Venue: AIMS South Africa, Muizenberg, Cape Town Data science has become very popular in the last decade due to spectacular successes in many signal processing and machine learning tasks. Mathematics plays a key role for the understanding and development of corresponding
The inaugural AIMS Mathematical Sciences Conference took place from 11 to 12 June 2019 at AIMS South Africa. The conference provided an opportunity for AIMS students, from the August intake, to present on their work, following a paper submission and review process. The keynote speakers were Dr Ronalda Benjamin from Stellenbosch University on 11 June,
Jun 7, 2019 | The tenth annual Clinic on the Meaningful Modeling of Epidemiological Data (MMED) was held from 27 May to 7 June at AIMS South Africa. MMED is a 2‐week modeling clinic that emphasizes the use of data in understanding infectious disease dynamics. Participants conducted modeling projects informed by epidemiological data that addressed practical