AI for Science Master’s

Overview AI for Science is a new stream in AIMS South Africa’s Master’s degree in Mathematical Science, made possible through a partnership with DeepMind. The program sits at the exciting intersection of AI and the Sciences. It is a fully residential one-year taught masters with a research component. Applications are open to students from across

Research Project Supervisors

Overview The AIMS Master’s in Mathematical Sciences includes a research project, which makes up one third of the course. There are two student intakes, August intake and January intake. Proposal submissions for August intake topics close mid-February but are reviewed by AIMS staff as they are submitted. The approved topics are made known to the

Master’s Course Proposals

This page allows you to submit a proposal for one or more courses which you would like to teach at any AIMS centre. There will be slight flexibility at each centre and some differences between centres’ exact programmes. Programmes are finalised in discussion with the director and/or curriculum committee at each centre. Please read the

AIMS ESMT Industry Immersion Programme

This program is run in partnership with the European School of Management and Technology (ESMT Berlin), and is supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation (BMZ) through the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).. The 2019 program will start at the end of June at AIMS South Africa.  Applications from AIMS alumni and students

AIMS NEI Fellowship Program for Women in Climate Change Science

Climate change represents one of humanity’s greatest challenges of the 21st century. The continued ascent of our species depends to a significant extent on our ability to limit further catastrophic changes to the climate and to adapt to both past and future changes. In many parts of the world, changes in climatic variables – including incessant

Master’s and doctoral study in the Research Centre

The AIMS South Africa Research Centre offers Doctoral and Masters bursaries for research study in the Centre (details on the research areas supported at the Research Centre may be found at Research). South African students and students from disadvantaged backgrounds are especially welcome. AIMS South Africa is able to offer funding for bursaries as well as accommodation

Visiting Research Fellowships

The AIMS South Africa Research Centre offers a variety of fellowships for visiting researchers. Interested researchers may apply to visit for short (2-week) or longer periods. Research fellows may conduct their own research at AIMS, participate in the teaching programmes and give talks in the journal club.  Visits to local universities can be arranged. 1.

Master’s and doctoral study in the Research Centre

Overview AIMS is offering a matching half bursary (maximum R45 000) to its recent graduates who wish to study towards a Research Master’s or PhD degree at a South African University. Please note that applicants are responsible for their repatriation fee deposits if necessary. Bursaries are only awarded under the following conditions: That the university

Masters in Mathematical Sciences Application – August Intake

Requirements for admission The course is open to students of African nationality. A limited number of places (fee paying) are available for students from other parts of the world. Applicants should hold, or anticipate completing by the start date of the AIMS course, a 4-year university degree in mathematics, or any science or engineering subject

BSc (Honours) in Mathematics with a focus in Biomathematics

Overview The BSc (Honours) in Mathematics with a focus in Biomathematics is an annual course run in conjunction with Stellenbosch University. The course commences in January each year. It aims to meet the growing demand from molecular biology, systems biology, bioinformatics, ecology, and biomedical science for students and researchers with solid mathematical skills. The course
