March 22, 2024

Closing Ceremony and the announcement of new AIMS slogan

Before the Siyakhula Festival, AIMS launched a competition to breathe new life into its brand with a fresh slogan that would encapsulate the essence and vision of the institution as it stands today. AIMS, which began its journey on 18 September 2003, in Muizenberg, Cape Town, has grown exponentially since its inception, extending its reach and impact across the continent with centres in Senegal, Ghana, Cameroon, and Rwanda. Recognised as a pivotal force in advancing the mathematical sciences, AIMS sought to refresh its slogan to reflect its expanded mission and the dynamic community it represents.

The closing session of the Siyakhula Festival became the platform for unveiling the new slogan that would lead AIMS into its next chapter. The winning entry was announced as “In Africa’s Youth, the Future of Science,”.  The winners of the competition were a team of 8 students from AIMS Cameroon, class of 2024: David Krame Kadurha (DRC); Batbaina Guikoura (Chad); Donald Taboua (Cameroon); Dorcas Daniella Ebedi Nding (Cameroon); Florent Onana Assouga (Cameroon); Frank Kitta’an Amos (Nigeria); Laurent Missayael Randriatsitohaina (Madagascar); and Guinba Francine Djourkine (Chad).  This slogan perfectly captures the spirit of AIMS’s commitment to harnessing the potential of Africa’s youth to advance scientific discovery and innovation.

This new slogan serves as a reminder of AIMS’s foundational belief in the continent’s young minds as the driving force behind scientific progress and societal transformation. It reflects a forward-looking perspective, underscoring that the future of science not only lies in Africa but also in the hands of its youth, ready to make significant contributions to the global scientific community.

The unveiling of the new slogan at the Siyakhula Festival’s Closing Session was a celebratory moment, marking the culmination of a festival dedicated to innovation, collaboration, and the bright future of mathematics and science in Africa. It also symbolised the collective journey of the AIMS community, united by a common goal to inspire and equip the next generation of scientific leaders in Africa and beyond.

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