February 18, 2016

The 9th Summer School in Mathematical Finance

The 9th Summer School in Mathematical Finance will bring to South Africa several leading academic exponents of the fast-growing field of Mathematical Finance, and presents a unique opportunity to local practitioners, academics and students to interact with international leaders in research on topics and modelling techniques current in the South African and international financial markets

Registration fees:

Practitioners – R2,750 Academics – R1,500 Students – R500

Fees will be waived, upon application, for bona-fide full-time students at South African universities. Registration fees include lunches and refreshments during the duration of the Summer School.

Applications will be treated on a first come, first served basis, and numbers are limited.

Registration is now closed.

Administration and logistics: Rene January workshops@aims.ac.za

Mathematical queries: Ronnie Becker ronnie@aims.ac.zaView photos
