Menzi graduated in 2019 and completed a contract position as a Senior Associate at PriceWaterhouseCoopers. ‘I really enjoyed my time at AIMS and it was very fruitful. I learnt a lot of things within a short period of time. I met many different people from different backgrounds, I learnt about different cultures. The fact that I was taught by the best lecturers from around the globe gave me the confidence that I really deserve that qualification. The AIMS environment was my highlight, staying with your lecturers and tutors 24/7 is the best thing that ever happened to my life.’ ‘I am already recommending AIMS to honours student, this year (2020) there are 3 students as AIMS that I told them about AIMS then they decided to apply. I always say that if you want to receive the best Master’s in mathematics go to AIMS, where you will meet different smart people with different background from different countries, where you will get the opportunity to make connections from the entire continent of Africa. If you want to learn about Africa while doing your masters in Mathematics go to AIMS. Prof Jeff Sanders once said to me, “If you want to be a best learner come to AIMS”.’