Dr Marc Sedjro is the German Research Chair for Applied Mathematics with specialization in Partial Differential Equations and Calculus of Variations at AIMS South Africa.
Prior to moving to AIMS South Africa, Dr Sedjro was the German Research Chair at AIMS Tanzania. He completed his PhD in Mathematics at the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2012 under the supervision of Prof. Wilfrid Gangbo. After that, he spent a few years as a Postdoctoral fellow at RWTH- Aachen and at King Abdullah University of Science.
Dr Sedjro’s research interests lie in the fields of Partial Differential Equations and the Calculus of Variations. He is interested in problems arising in Fluid Mechanics such as the multi-dimensional compressible Euler Equations, Gas dynamics, and the almost axisymmetric flows. He has also been interested in Mean Field Games and Elasticity.
While at AIMS South Africa, Dr Sedjro intends to build a research group around his research interests and to develop research cooperation with researchers at Stellenbosch University, the University of Cape Town and Technische Universität Berlin.