Our Partners
AIMS South Africa was established in 2003 as a partnership project of the following 6 universities:

The AIMS Master’s Degree in Mathematical Sciences is formally accredited by the Universities of Cape Town, Stellenbosch and the Western Cape.
AIMS has a culture of collaboration which enhances scientific discovery, knowledge sharing and learning, achieved through strategic partnerships with academic institutions in Africa and across the globe. Partnerships can take the form of faculty exchange programs, research exchange programs, post AIMS scholarships, as well as conferences, workshops and summer/winter schools.
MOU’s have been signed with the following organisations:
- African Gong – The Pan-African Network for the Popularization of Science & Technology and Science Communication
- Catholic University of Louvain (UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium)
- Clemson University
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
- DST-NRF CoE in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
- National Institute for Theoretical Physics
- SISSA, Trieste
- South African Mathematical Foundation (SAMF)
- University of British Columbia
- Université de Montreal
- University of Essex
- University of Zululand
AIMS South Africa has also worked collaboratively with the following organisations:
- Berlin Mathematical School
- Cambridge University Press (CUP)
- Centre for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS)
- The Centre for High Performance Computing (CHPC)
- The Institut de Mathématiques et de Sciences Physiques (IMSP), and the UNESCO International Chair in Mathematical Physics and Applications (CIMPA-UNESCO), Cotonou, Benin
- South African Mathematical Society (SAMS)
- The South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO)
- The South African Centre for Epidemiological Modelling (SACEMA)
- The South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO)
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Depts of Mathematics, Physics and the Graduate College)
AIMS has been able to thrive through strategic partnerships with like-minded institutions in Africa and across the globe, who support our vision for the continent. Our Centre of Excellence continues to thrive thanks to the commitment of the following partners:

AIMS Endowed Scholarships contributors:
- Avery Tsui Foundation
- Neil Turok
- Paul G Allen Family Foundation
- Peter Kellner
- Victor Rothschild Memorial Fund
AIMS South Africa has a Partnership Programme and invites institutes and academic departments to support our work by joining this programme.
Current partners
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Depts of Mathematics, Physics and the Graduate College)
Information about the programme
1. The basic model:
- Partnership is open to individual departments (university colleges or schools) but
also to other organizational entities. - Partners pay annual dues in exchange for specified benefits and privileges.
- Partnership agreements are approved by the Director of AIMS South Africa.
- An annual partners meeting will be held. Partners will be invited to nominate a representative to attend this meeting. These meetings will be held via videoconferencing.
2. Details:
- Partners pay annual dues on the order of $5K for individual departments or $15K for colleges/schools/institutions
- Partners agree to waive the application fees for AIMS graduates who apply to PhD programmes at Partner Institutions
- Half of the dues will be earmarked for use by the partner at AIMS for a fixed period of time (2 years), after which control passes to AIMS.
- Partners’ benefits include the following:
- All or partial expenses for Partner members visiting AIMS will be paid from the dues fund.
- Course and workshop proposals from Partner members will be incorporated by AIMS South Africa where possible.
- Partners will receive regular AIMS- South Africa newsletters and annual reports.
- Partners will be listed on the AIMS-South Africa website and in AIMS annual reports.
- Information about the Partner’s graduate programmes will be given prominence.
- Partners will nominate a representative to attend the annual meeting of AIMS Partners.
- Graduate students from Partner universities will be encouraged to apply for AIMS tutorships.
- The Partners Programme will be advertised on the AIMS South Africa website.
3. Benefits for Partners:
- Access: Faculty from partner bodies will receive special consideration when applying to take advantage of opportunities provided by AIMS, namely to:
- Teach 3-week courses
- Organise or attend workshops
- Visit as a researcher
- Publicity: Partners will be named and acknowledged on AIMS South Africa and promotional material.
- Access to the AIMS network. AIMS has an expanding network of ties to leading institutions and academics in South Africa and the rest of the continent.
- Recruitment opportunities: graduate programs at partner bodies will be able recruit from a pool of Africa’s most talented students.
4. Benefits for AIMS South Africa:
- Funds: financial contributions through partnership dues will support the AIMS South Africa mission
- A network of supporters: not only will participating departments and institutions form the base of a support network in the United States and elsewhere, but their participation in the Partners programme will provide concrete evidence of their support.
5. Contact details
For further information on the AIMS partnership programme please contact Ms Lynne Teixeira info@aims.ac.za.