The AIMS South Africa Public Lecture Series presented a talk ‘Scientific certainty and public health action: Where does the balance lie?’ By Prof. Brian Williams, Research Associate, South African Centre of Excellence in Epidemiological Modelling and Analysis (SACEMA) Abstract: We have the misfortune to have lived through one of the most devastating epidemics in all of human history
Event Type: Lecture
‘Plants for human health: venturing into traditions of old with a biotechnological toolkit’
The AIMS South Africa Public Lecture Series presents a talk ‘Plants for human health: venturing into traditions of old with a biotechnological toolkit’ By Prof. NP Makunga, Dept of Botany and Zoology, University of Stellenbosch Abstract:In South Africa, traditional medicines provide a health system that is relevant for a large percentage of the population. Exploitation of
‘Shaping society as women in technology’
The AIMS South Africa Public Lecture Series presents a talk titled: ‘Shaping society as women in technology’ By Dr. Bonolo Mathibela, Research Scientist, IBM Research South Africa Lab Abstract: Technology permeates almost every aspect of society today, but those who imagine and build technology often do not mirror the people who use it. Whilst the number of
‘Mathematics in Nanotechnology’
The AIMS South Africa Public Lecture Series presents a talk titled: ‘Mathematics in Nanotechnology’ By Prof. Tim Myers, Adjunct Professor, Dept. de Matemática Aplicada I, Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya and Senior Researcher/Industrial Mathematics Group Leader, Centre de Recerca Matemática, Barcelona, Spain Abstract: “Nanotechnology is a rapidly growing interdisciplinary area with a broad range of applications.
‘The Life and Death of a Drop’
The AIMS South Africa Public Lecture Series presents a talk titled: ‘The Life and Death of a Drop’ By Prof. Sidney Nagel, Stein-Freiler Distinguished Service Professor in Physics, James Franck Institute, Enrico Fermi Institute, and the College, The University of Chicago Abstract: Because fluids flow and readily change their shape in response to small forces,
‘Big Data and related Machine Learning Challenges’
The AIMS South Africa Public Lecture Series presents a talk ‘Big Data and related Machine Learning Challenges’ By Prof. Ninan Sajeeth Philip, Associate Professor and Research Guide, Department of Physics, St. Thomas College, Kozhencheri-Kerala. Abstract: “I shall talk on Big data paradigm and tools, mostly at an introductory level and point out why we require machine learning in
‘The Emergence of the Dark Universe’
The AIMS Public Lecture Series presents a talk titled: ‘The Emergence of the Dark Universe’ By Prof. Alexandre Refregier, Head of the Cosmology Research Group and Dr Adam Amara, Senior Scientist both from the Institute for Astronomy, ETH, Zurich
‘Is mathematics useful?’
The AIMS Public Lecture Series presents a talk titled: ‘Is mathematics useful?’ By Martin Grötschel, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities Abstract: Calculating percentages, profit margins, areas, volumes, and other simple computationsare obviously useful. Is this all the mathematics that people encounter in daily life? Is there moremathematics “contained” in the products that surround us? Do industry
‘”Identifying homogenous risks – Theory and practical issues”
The AIMS South Africa Public Lecture Series presents a talk titled: ‘”Identifying homogenous risks – Theory and practical issues” By Prof. Peter Gritzmann, Munich, TU München,
“How to Understand Territories with Mathematics”
The AIMS South Africa Public Lecture Series presents a talk titled: “How to Understand Territories with Mathematics” By Prof. Mark Lewis, Senior Canada Research Chair in Mathematical Biology, University of Alberta Abstract: The world around us is full of territories. Organisms from human beings to wolves have found ways to signal which regions in space