The workshop will interest researchers and practitioners working in optimisation, machine learning and design of complex systems. Dr Hans-Georg Zimmerman, from Siemens Corporate Technology, has decades of experience in applying neural networks to industrial problems, including for energy demand and price forecasting, prediction of electricity output in renewable power systems and systems diagnosis.
Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about theory and practice of neural network system design and use.

Dr Hans-Georg Zimmermann – Senior Principal Research Scientist at Siemens Corporate Technology
Dr Hans-Georg Zimmermann – Senior Principal Research Scientist at Siemens Corporate Technology
Dr. Hans Georg Zimmermann, study of mathematics, computer science and economics at the University of Bonn (focus on dynamical systems, control theory, PhD in game theory). Since 1987 at Siemens, Corporate Research in Munich. Founding Member of the neural network research at Siemens (1987). Today, Senior Principal Research Scientist, scientific head of the neural network research with applications in forecasting, diagnosis and control. Member of the GOR (German Operation Research Society), DMV (German association of mathematicians), Advisor of the US National Science Foundation. Lectures and talks at universities on all continents.
Topics to be covered
Topics to be covered
- Feedforward neural networks, function approximation, learning, optimization
- Recurrent neural networks, dynamical systems, state space models, forecasting
- Special topics, e.g. control, neuro-fuzzy, complex valued neural networks
Intended Audience
Practitioners, academics, students (PhD and advanced MSc) in applied and financial mathematics, computer science and engineering
Registration is now open. Please complete the online form. Registration closes 24 March 2016
Registration Fee:
Practitioners – R2000; Academics – R1000; Students – R300
Registration fees include lunch and refreshments during the duration of workshop. Fees will be waived, upon application for bona-fide 10 full time students registered at South African universities. Applications will be treated on a first come first served basis.
Payment Process:
Please note that all registration payments is to be done via Quicket
Registration, administration and logistics:
Rene January ( photos