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This workshop took place during the first year of academic activity at AIMS. It gave an opportunity to consider the problems associated with capacity building in mathematics and its applications in the physical and biological sciences and technology, and the manner in which AIMS is approaching these problems. It also gave an opportunity to consider the promotion of teaching and research via the Internet in Africa and more widely in the developing world. The activities of AIMSSEC (the AIMS Schools Enrichment Centre) was included. Discussion was initiated on establishing a network (AMI-Net) of centres based on AIMS as a prototype.
The workshop was sponsored by IUTAM (the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics) on the basis of a grant awarded by ICSU (the International Council for Science). IUTAM’s proposal to ICSU was supported by the following other Scientific and National members of ICSU, many of which were represented at the Workshop:
- IUGG (International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics)
- IMU (International Mathematical Union)
- IUPAP (International Union of Pure and Applied Physics)
- IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry)
- IUA (International Union of Astronomy)
- TWAS (Third World Academy of Science)
- National Members: South Africa, Brazil, Netherlands, Egypt, UK
The Workshop included a number of survey lectures from representatives of the above international scientific unions.