February 6, 2018

‘Understanding Artificial Intelligence’

The AIMS South Africa Public Lecture Series presented a talk

‘Understanding Artificial Intelligence’

By Dr Hans Georg Zimmermann

Abstract: Why is Artificial Intelligence attracting just now such an attention in science and general public – even though the subject has a long tradition back to 1955. The answer to this question has to do with an interplay of several scientific and sociological developments. We will discuss the vision of Artificial Intelligence, what we did reach up to now and what we can expect in the future for science, technology and society.

Bio: Dr Hans Georg Zimmermann, Study of Mathematics, Computer Science and Operations Research in Bonn, diploma 1982 in Mathematics. Research in applications of Control Theory in Economics at the University of Bonn until 1987, PhD 1987 in Economics. From 1987 to 2017 at Siemens AG, Corporate Technology, working on Neural Networks, Artificial Intelligence, Dynamical Systems, Forecasting and related fields. Since 2000 as a Senior Principal Research Scientist for the above subjects.Since December 2017 member of the Fraunhofer Society (FHG), with a focus on Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence.
