AIMS South Africa in association with the Muizenberg Festival and the Zandvlei Trust, hosted two public talks on 3 and 5 October 2017:
- Mr Tony Budden (Hemporium) gave a talk titled: ‘The eco benefits of industrial hemp as an agricultural crop.’ (pictured above)
- Prof. Mike Bruton author scientist and one of the lead-ing fish biologists of South Africa gave a talk titled: ‘Lessons from the Dodo. (pictured below)

On 10 October the Muizenberg Scitizen Dialogues hosted an evening of informal talks and facilitated dialogue surrounding the central and pertinent issue of water. Invited guests from several research institutions in Cape Town were given an opportunity to engage with each other and most importantly with members of the public through a mediated conversation. Please click here to view an article about this session.