11 – 15 January 2010
The Seventh Mathematics in Industry Study Group in South Africa will be held at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) in Muizenberg, Cape Town, from Monday 11 January to Friday 15 January 2010.
The Mathematics in Industry Study Group will be preceded by a Preparation Session for graduate students from Wednesday 6 January to Saturday 8 January 2010.
At a Mathematics in Industry Study Group, academic staff and graduate students work on problems submitted by Industry. The problems are presented by the Industry Representative on Monday morning. The academic and graduate students then split into small study groups and work on the problems of their choice. There is a report back session to Industry on Friday morning at which the results which were obtained are presented. Work on the problems continues in the months after the Study Group meeting and a full technical report on each problem is published in the Proceedings later in the year.
Each problem has an academic Moderator who is responsible to coordinate the work on the problem and also a student Moderator who presents the progress report on Wednesday afternoon.
All delegates are expected to participate to a high degree in the modelling and problem solving small groups sessions. There is no registration fee because delegates provide their time and expertise free at a Study Group.
Because space is limited there will be strict selection of applicants. Real interest in working on problems from industry will be an important selection factor.
- Problems
- <a href=”https://aims.ac.za/mathematics-in-industry-study-group-2010/#”>Programmes</a>
- <a href=”https://aims.ac.za/mathematics-in-industry-study-group-2010/#”><a href=”https://aims.ac.za/mathematics-in-industry-study-group-2010/#”>Participants</a></a>
- <a href=”https://aims.ac.za/mathematics-in-industry-study-group-2010/#”>Preparation Session Reports</a>
- Medical Imaging Prob1-identification-of-nerves.pdf, 20060730_eve_ax1.tif, 20060810_charles_ax1.tif
- Hydrofoil MISG-Hydrofoil.pdf
- Wind Turbine Wind-Turbine.pdf
- Instrumentation for Aerobatic Instrumentation_for_Aerobatic.pdf
- Position Emission Problem5-position-emmission.pdf
- Image Recognition Image_Recognition_MISG2010-6.pdf, google.pdf, Wang03-shazam.pdf
- Stochastic Estimation Stochastic_PERT_MISG_Sub_2010.pdf
- Biotechnology MISG_BiotechnologyProblem.pdf
- <a href=”https://aims.ac.za/mathematics-in-industry-study-group-2010/#”>Study Group Reports</a>
- <a href=”https://aims.ac.za/mathematics-in-industry-study-group-2010/#”>Invited Guests</a>
- Dr Neville Fowkes, University of Western Australia, Australia
- Professor Steve Damelin, Georgia Southern University, United States of America
- Dr Jean Charpin, University of Limerick, Ireland
- Professor Alistair Fitt, University of Southampton, United Kingdom.
Please use info@aims.ac.za for any queries. Please read the IT information for participants and presenters.