A workshop to understand and plan maths communication and maths outreach activities in Africa will be hosted at AIMS-South Africa, Muizenberg near Cape Town.
Parallel to the workshop an interactive exhibition will be held for audiences of all backgrounds from primary school students to researchers and faculty staff. The exhibition will present visualizations, interactive installations, virtual realities, 3D objects and their theoretical background in algebraic geometry and singularity theory in an attracting and understandable manner. Tutors will be around at all times to explain and assist. A unique science & arts experience, entry and tours are free!
Both the exhibition and workshop are organized by the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences – Next Einstein Initiative (AIMS-NEI), IMAGINARY and the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach.
Registration for the exhibition can be done online.
For more information about the workshop please visit www.imaginary.org/aims