Associate Faculty of AIMS South Africa
The AIMS Associate Faculty recognises lecturers who have made significant contributions at AIMS, not only through lecturing a course more than once, but also through additional engagement in AIMS’ activities. Members are appointed for four years and can be reappointed.
- Dr Montaz Ali, School of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, University of the Witwatersrand
- Dr Eric Andriantiana, Department of Mathematics, Rhodes University
- Prof. David Aschman, University of Cape Town, South Africa
- Prof. Alan Beardon, University of Cambridge, UK
- Prof. Rob Beezer, University of Puget Sound
- Dr Emma Coutts, University of Strathclyde, UK
- Dr Madeine Cule, Principal Data Scientist at Calico Life Sciences
- Prof. Robert de Mello Koch, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa
- Dr Babette Doebrich, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
- Prof. Patrick Dorey, University of Durham, UK
- Dr Yae Gaba, African Centre for Advanced Studies, Benin
- Prof. Kesh Govinder, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
- Dr Karin-Therese Howell, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Stellenbosch University
- Dr Will Horowitz, University of Cape Town, South Africa
- Prof. Jane Hutton, Warwick University, UK
- Dr Wilson Lamb, University of Strathclyde, UK
- Prof. Khalique Masood University of the North-West
- Prof. Kristian Muller-Nedebock, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
- Prof. Henry Mwambi, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
- Prof. Loyiso Nongxa, University of the Witwatersrand
- Dr Juliet Pulliam, SACEMA
- Dr Naina Ralaivaosaona, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Stellenbosch University
- Prof. Tadashi Tokieda, Stanford University
- Prof. Stephan Wagner, Uppsala University, Sweden
- Prof. Grae Worster, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
- Prof. Konstantinos Zoubos, Department of Physics, University of Pretoria