We are growing stitch by stitch! On 20 July 2024, AIMS South Africa hosted Lavender Hill High School for a TurtleStitch workshop, offering 27 learners a unique learning experience that combined coding, creativity, and craftsmanship. This innovative approach engaged learners in programming while allowing them to create personalised, tangible artefacts.
One of the primary benefits of the TurtleStitch workshop was its ability to bridge the gap between technology and art. Learners wrote code to control a digital turtle, translating their designs into embroidered patterns. This process demystified coding by presenting it in a visual and tangible form, making abstract concepts more concrete and exciting. Integrating technology and art encouraged learners to think creatively and showed a high interest in programming.
The workshop emphasised hands-on learning, with learners actively engaged in experimenting with code and seeing the immediate impact of their commands on the embroidery machine. This instant feedback helped learners quickly understand and correct their mistakes, enhancing their problem-solving skills. The tangible outcome of personalised embroidered cloths provided a sense of accomplishment and pride, serving as lasting reminders of the workshop. Moreover, the participation of student aides Joyce and Don Carlos from Masibambane Secondary School, who contributed their coding and embroidery skills, greatly enhanced the educational experience by offering valuable assistance and promoting a cooperative atmosphere.